SCA Content Hub
Welcome to the SCA Content Hub. SCA stands for the Society for Creative Anachronism. Clink the link to learn more about the worldwide organization dedicated to learning about and recreating aspects of the medieval and renaissance time periods, throughout the world.
Within the SCA I am known as Lady Ethne an Locha. I live on the southern coast of Ireland, sometime in the 10th through 12th centuries, although, I’ve been known to travel both in time and place to try my hand at new skills. I enjoy making period style clothes using period style tools and methods.
In these more modern times, you can find me attending events in the Kingdom of Æthelmearc. I teach classes on hand sewing, starting with the basics, and moving towards more authentic tools, materials and methods.
What’s on this page?
On this page, you will find project diaries, and competition and display documentation about the things that I’m working on. I hope that they serve as inspiration to you, and maybe even help you along your path towards creating things that are both useful and enjoyable to look at.
SCA Related Blog posts Here you can find my various blog posts that are related to the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Garb Sewing Posts
Finding the Fit, the first Tudor Kirtle While not technically my first foray into later period fitted garments, it is my most successful to date. I learned a lot about how to customize the fit of a commercial pattern. As well as the fact that I have a lot more to learn.
Finding the Fit, Part 2, the Second Tudor Kirtle This was my second Tudor kirtle, and made for someone with very different body proportions than the first one. Again, I learned a lot about how patterns and customized clothing work on different bodies.
Hand sewing Class Handouts
Hand Sewing 100 level classes (coming soon!) Handouts for my 100 level hand sewing classes. If you don’t know which end of the needle goes in first. Or what the difference is between a button and a seam, this is the place to start.
Hand Sewing 200 level classes (coming soon!) Handouts for my 200 level hand sewing classes. Like any other skill, you can learn the basics and get pretty far. Want to know more about working with and acquiring period correct tools and materials? This is the place to go. You can also take the fast track to learning all the things I wish I had known sooner. Tips and tricks galore!
Do you want to make your sewing more period accurate, yet find that you need to know more about the tools and materials that they had to work with? Here’s a quick overview about those things so that you can move ahead to making more cool things! Hand Sewing Tools and Materials
SCA Life
I’ve been participating with the SCA for decades. There are lots of ways to enjoy this hobby, everyone finds their own ways. Look here for how to integrate your “real” life with your SCA life, as well as to learn about participating with these modern middle ages.
Life Happens! How to Reengage with the SCA After Taking a Break
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