
I have been wandering, (hiking and camping) since I was a kid.  In 2017 I spent 48 nights in a tent. I LOVE being outside, I LOVE coffee and I also love teaching others about being comfortable in the outdoors.  If you want to know what to bring, what to be worried about (and what NOT to worry about), this is the place for you.

I wrote the above paragraph in 2018. It’s now 2024, and while I still camp and hike, injuries and just middle aged life caused me to widen my scope. I’ve branched out to learn and teach about Putting the Puzzle Pieces of of Life back together, book reviews, and most recently documenting my various forays into the modern middle ages with the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).

Like most people, my life is varied and full of interests and ideas. Whenever you stop by, I hope you pick up a nugget of wisdom, a kernel of truth, or an idea that launches your next great adventure.

So cheers! Here’s to finding all the adventure you seek, come along on the journey with me and start your own journey whenever you feel ready. 




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